Dove Men AD

The target audience for this ad is men, especially fathers, with the appeal of nurture because of the different techniques this ad is composed of. This image is composed of a father and child and the product that the advertising is trying to sell. There is the technique of plain folk for the relationship with the man and child. The lighting for the picture is very light; correlating with the mood on display, joy and happiness. The colors they use also express the feelings displayed; light blue, crème and turquoise. In contrast the image of the product contrasts with the light tone in the image with the father/child. There is still a spotlight on the product themselves but the product is darker than the light image on the left of the overall ad. The lighting matches with the appeals that the ad is trying to display. The appeal for nurture (with the family) and the appeal to dominant (to be become a better and more caring father). This is shown through the text ...